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Being so far away from our homes it is easier to forget what day it is, which makes the following practice easier, we know. We also know that practice, practice, practice will take us there.

Every day can be taken as the last day of the year and as the first one. Every day when we wake up we have a new chance, a new opportunity to be who we want to be. We are able to follow our dreams, change, and remove any obstacle in the way. Sometimes, saying that in New Years I will do this or that puts pressure on yourself. The weight that you put on yourself with your "New Years Resolutions", usually results in future disappointment or in present anxiety. ACKNOWLEDGE where you are and VISUALIZE where you want to go.

If not now, when?

How we think, speak to each other and to ourselves is constantly shaping our personalities and influencing our lives. Having awareness of this will allow us to enjoy the NEW YEAR, every single day.


We are consciously sending lots of love and peaceful feelings to all of our family in the United States, Spain, and all over the world.

May you all constantly maintain the courage to fulfill your goals, remaining present at every moment since they are there for a bigger purpose. Accept every scene of your life and take it one step at a time.

With a great deal of deep love and happiness we wanted to share our smiles from Hampi, India before we head to our next volunteering experience tomorrow. Thank you for following us along on this journey!

Don't forget to spend a few minutes of silence with yourself today. The way you end something can be the BEGINNING of all.

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